Truck Reliability: What are Volvo Trucks’ Lifespans?
When you own a Volvo truck, you want it to last as long as possible. It’s not always easy to predict how long a vehicle will stay running, but some factors can affect the lifespan of your vehicle. Learn more about how to keep your Volvo truck in great shape and what…
How Freightliner Pays Special Attention to All Drivers As They Design a Truck
The Freightliner Cascadia is the latest truck from the iconic brand. It’s designed to help drivers get their jobs done safely and efficiently. But what does that mean? How does it differ from other trucks on the market? This article will explore how Freightliner puts…
How to Find Great Used Trucks For Sale?
If you are looking for a truck, you should consider used options, and the following guide will help you find a great used truck for sale. Find Great Used Trucks For Sale There are likely several dealerships with used trucks for sale in your area, and with so many…
Facts of Buying a Used Semi Truck
If you are in the market for a used semi-truck, you have to do your research to ensure you do not run into any surprises. There are several advantages to a used truck, including a lower price, but you need to be realistic about this purchase, and the following facts…
Top Five Things to know before Buying Pre-owned Trucks
If you are planning on buying a pre-owned truck, you have to do your research, and the following guide will ensure you have a plan: Know your needs. This information will help you buy a truck that is suitable for your needs, and you should focus on equipment that has…
Volvo Trucks: Getting the Job Done Right
Are you ready to take your business on the road? We are glad to hear that! When looking for the right vehicle to transport your freight, it is important to find one that is cost-effective, durable and efficient. Don’t know where to start? If you want our advice, our…
Understanding and Caring for Brakes in a Semi Truck
Brakes are an integral part of any vehicle, but keeping your brakes in good working condition is extremely important in a vehicle weighing up to 80,000 lbs when fully loaded. For reference, your average car weighs roughly 4,000 lbs. Maintaining and replacing your…
7 Podcasts for Long Haul Truck Drivers
There’s something freeing about rolling the windows down and turning the volume up on a drive. But radio stations cut out when you travel from city to city, you can’t always find music you like, and in dead zones you lose all service. That’s where podcasts come in:…
Heavy Trucks & Trailers